So I'm not really sure how many people are actually reading our blog, but I realize there might be some people out there who are reading and don't really know about our ministry. I want to take this post to tell you about our model. I really am just copying and pasting from our website, but anyway enjoy the read.

The Global Orphan Project Model:
The global orphan pandemic is a horrible blight on our world today, but also presents opportunities for radical life transformation. You won’t see it on the news tonight or read it in the headlines, but consider this:

- If every living human in the world joined hands in a global “I’d like to buy the world a Coke” chain, 1 out of every 2 in the chain would be a child.

- Among these children, approximately 145 million are orphans.

- UNICEF defines ‘orphan’ as a child who’s lost one or both parents. Why? Because in most places in the world, the social impact of losing one parent is the same as both parents dying.

- Of the 145 million orphans, 130 million are in ‘developing nations.’ The most vulnerable orphans on the planet live in the poorest economies, where extreme poverty chokes the life out of them.

- The statistics do not account for the millions of abandoned children or children sold or forced into bondage who are not orphans.

- Approximately 26,000 to 30,000 children under the age of 5 living in extreme poverty die each day. That’s a 9/11 catastrophe with children every 2-1/2  hours each day, each month, each year.

GO Project is a viral, grassroots movement of so many of you taking action to address this mess. You’re giving your resources and hearts. And we’re all learning something deeply mysterious along the way: the little ones behind these cold statistics can teach us how to love more radically, vulnerably, and deeply than we ever imagined. GO Project is not a ministry of misery, guilt, or statistics; but of transformation.

Empowering Communities God’s first line of care for children is the family, including adoptive families. For our target children, family is not an option. Perhaps their parents have died. Or, their parents’ and extended relatives’ lives are crushed beneath the weight of poverty, and little ones suffer without any viable means of care. These children – the kids of last resort – are the apples of our eyes.

For these children, we focus on the local church as the next line of care. Think of it as community based care with the local church as the centering point, where the kids become part of the local church family and community fabric.

There are many people here in the United States – families, churches, businesses, schools, small groups – who want to help these children. And there are established local churches there, where the children live, who are willing to care for these children within the local church family. They just need a little help. So there is a Here side, and a There side in this life giving circuit. The two sides need a connector. That’s us.

‘Village’ System We expand local church capacity to care for orphaned and abandoned children in their communities. We do so through a ‘village’ system. Typically, a village includes the following around the local church heart:

- Children’s homes with dedicated mommas;
– School;
– Clinic;
– Support infrastructure (e.g., latrines, kitchen, dining area, well).

If we can rely upon existing support networks nearby (such as medical care or school) rather than building new, we will.

Signature Components of GO Project Model There are three (3) signature components to our model in the field. We emphasize orphan care that is:

(1) Local Church Owned;

(2) Base Level (culturally relevant); and

(3) Sustainable.

>> Local Church Owned

GO Project does not own the day-to-day care of the children. The local church does. The local church leadership hires and supports the mommas, the cooks, and other local staff to care for the children. GO Project provides assistance with planning, funding, assessment, and communication to help the local church meet base standards. The core of the children’s lives will include a steady assurance through the Gospel of grace in Jesus Christ. Our prayer for these children is that they will be free, utterly transformed from the inside out.

>> Base Level Care

We help the local church give the children a ‘bump up’ into a humble, base level of care within the church family. We want the homes and standards of care to blend into the community, not jump over the top of it. Americanized models of orphan care rich in material trappings often cause area families to abandon their children, in hopes that the ‘orphanage’ will take them to a better life. That is wrong. There is nothing fancy or particularly attractive about our model of orphan care. And that is by design.

>> Sustainable

In the GO Project vocabulary, ‘sustainable’ means that the target country’s own people and economy will support the care of their own children. We believe this is a vital goal to hit over time, village by village. Complete dependency upon foreign aid and leadership in perpetuity has created a systemic current driving against intra-community, intra-country orphan care. Fighting this trend through empowerment of locals, as well as economic and agricultural development, is core to our model.

Your truly,

We were recently blessed with the opportunity to start a bakery in Haiti. This is so exciting to me (John) because I was able to be a part of the process by overseeing everything and working with our bakery manager to get things rolling. I'm going to tell you guys a little bit about that whole process.

The building was built for us by a company in Canada, and we thought it would be a perfect spot for a bakery. Jake (Director of GO Haiti Operations) and myself went to a few different bakeries and researched how the bread was made, how much it cost, what sort of ovens were used, lengths of time it took to cook each piece of bread, and finally had a report filled out which we sent back to the states for approval at the office (Global's headquarters in KC). We got approval, so all we had to do was find a baker, and turn the building into a bakery. The bakers actually found us (thanks, God!) and after a series of interviews we hired them to help get the bakery off the ground. I worked closely with a general contractor as he installed wooden shutters, built shelves, a door, steps and set up electricity for a light bulb. While i did this the bakers got ovens, supplies, and ingredients for baking. Last Thursday the bakery started cranking out bread! It's hot and smells delicious!

All the profit made from the bakery is going to support orphan care, and it gives Haitians jobs and skills. The ripple effects will definitely go farther than that, (and only God will really know), but for now its enough for me to be able to say we are one step closer to helping the Haitian churches support (and provide the funds for) their orphan care. So if you guys ever get a chance to come to Haiti, you'll have to visit the Boulangerie Jumecourt to buy some fresh bread while you're here!

Thanks for reading! God Bless
Hey all! Sorry to go so long between blog posts, but we've gotten pretty swamped here. Let me give you all an overview of the things we are getting to do for the Kingdom of God while we work in Haiti.

Abigail and myself are blessed to be able to work with every group that comes down on what we call a Vision Trip. We have the opportunity to show them and help them participate in our ministry. Its an amazing five days, and people will often go back with changed hearts and spirits on fire for the Lord. During those five days, groups get to play with orphaned and abandoned children.  They get to build relationships not only with orphaned children but with like minded people, who are also on the trip. It is truly a blessing to be the Lords shepherd for the GO Project.

We are working on starting a bakery, I hope to have bread hot from the ovens by late next week. We also have a sewing center that is up and operating, working to make uniforms for all the children in our school system. Its a national law in Haiti that to go to school kids must wear uniforms. So we started a sewing center that makes uniforms for all of our children, and whatever money the center makes goes back to help the kids. Just one of the many ways we are working toward becoming self-sustaining! The benefits of the sewing center are many, we provide jobs for Haitians, a possible skill for the orphaned children to learn, and the profit goes back to support the children! It's a win-win-win!

If you feel lead to help support our sewing center, we have just launched a new initiative called GO threads, you can easily buy a uniform to help educate our children. Just go to this website and you can be part of our work in Haiti!

-Yours in the battle
